Supporting communities to give children and young people the best start in life.

Children living in poverty are unable to realise their potential

Too many children in Africa are not getting the right start in life, leaving them unable to realise their full potential.

Children living in poverty will be 4 months behind their peers when they start school. This gap widens over time.

On average these children are up to 2 years behind their peers by the time they leave secondary school.

Supporting long-term sustainable change

We bring together residents, professionals and decision-makers to co-design a long-term programme that is bespoke to the needs of the local community.

We call this way of working “place-based change”.

Want to get involved?

If you are interested in finding out more, as a school, delivery partner, or potential funder, or would like to find out how you can support us in other ways – we’d love to hear from you! Click contact us below to leave your details and we’ll be in touch.

Our Impact

We want you to know how your work and support is making a difference to children living in poverty across Africa.

Every year we report on the progress we’ve made and how we’ve achieved what we set out to do. Within our latest impact report, we showcase some of the great work we do to make sure we’re on track to achieve our mission.